I spent a great Saturday catching up with friends. Firstly, with the lovely Cluley clan for coffee and cake this morning. Then this afternoon it was skype, skype and away all the way to Swaziland. Turns out this blog is going down very well in one tiny corner of Southern Africa.
I was saying to my old friend Jo, over a cup of tea and about 10,000km of cyberspace, that what I love about blogging is the fact that it's like being the unashamedly batty old lady I have no doubt I'll eventually turn into - chatting incessantly but earnestly to myself, laughing at all my own jokes, showing my photos to all my imaginary friends - basically talking to the wall without much of a care in the world.
But you know, it's really nice to know that some of you are enjoying this.
I remember Solly the Afghan fruit and veg man on the Great Western Road in Glasgow once said that when you sit under the shadow of the apple tree for a long time it's difficult to leave.
I think he was talking about 'home'.