Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Day 89: Off to Morocco

This is now my last post for a couple of weeks as we're off to Morocco!
I will be back mid-April with many, many days of backdated photos to post.
Bonne Paque, mes amis.

Day 88: Thai veg

This one's for my uncle Tony who assures me that after the cookery course he took in Thailand he can now carve wonderful creations like this out of a pedestrian carrot and/or courgette.
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Day 87: Garlic

You may see what I'm doing here. There is something about not completing a month's worth of photos that I can't quite be relaxed about.(Yet. Month three. Month six might be different). It's an OCD thing, I'm afraid. So bear with me, in these final hours of March, I'm rummaging through photos that I have previously taken for this project but and for whatever reason decided not to post.
The reasons may well be obvious.
"It's a photo of a bunch of Garlic"
Doesn't sound quite so interesting when said like that.

Day 87: Winter revisited

Since we somehow rolled back the seasons this week and found ourselves back in the heart of mid-winter, here's a reminder of what it was.
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Day 86: Deja vu

If you've had enough of seeing dramatically lit little inanimate objects, just say. I'm still rather fond of them.
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Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Monday, 29 March 2010

Day 83: Donald

"You effing Tory!"
Some of Donald's first words to me when we met teaching English in Warsaw many moons ago.
Good to see you again, my revolutionary Marxist Glaswegian expatriot friend, we never did get you singing that song, the one about beer and a crate of mutton bridies that would turn your stomach queer.

Saturday, 27 March 2010

Day 81: Rust

A perfect day for burning the winter debris up the allotment.

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Friday, 26 March 2010

Day 80: Mostafa

I'm not usually one for striking up conversations with strangers on public transport, in fact most of the time I consciously avoid it, but on the flight to Dublin two weeks ago I met Mostafa, who made me realise that sometimes it really is worth chatting to strangers.
I was heading to Dublin for a reunion of the Everest Base Camp trek. Mostafa, my fellow Ryanair passenger (all of us sandwiched into seats you need to amputate your arms in order to fit comfortably into), turned out to be the first Jordanian to SUMMIT EVEREST! His story was amazing, he had the most incredibly inspiring photos of his expedition on his iPhone and it was all in all a real pleasure to meet him. He's a North and South Pole short of completing the 7 summits on 7 Continents so watch this space for further news.

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Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Day 77: Growing old disgracefully

I've been shockingly bad at doing my blog this week. I will get back in the routine soon but in the meantime I'll leave you with the best road sign ever. That's the way to grow old isn't it - doing the macarena to the bitter end.

Friday, 19 March 2010

Day 76: Justice

On the one hand I may weigh the balance between the for and against and come to a measured judgement but on the other I may just impale you with a sword and be done with it.

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Day 75: Lara

Turns out there's a lot of skill to taking good pictures of babies and I still have a lot to learn.
But it helps when they are as sweet as this little button.

Monday, 15 March 2010

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Day 72: Dublin

Dublin was a carnival of colourful characters this weekend, mainly with Red Dragon scarves and giant Leprachaun hats for the Rugby. There were also these Swiss drummers/musicians with their Viking-style capes (with bits of fake tiger fur draped across their shoulder) and amazing face painting. Here's one of them.

Friday, 12 March 2010

Day 71: Nepal reunion

Tomorrow morning I fly to Dublin for a reunion for the Everest Base Camp trip I did in October last year. Therefore something related to this seemed appropriate. I won't be blogging for a couple of days, so I shall leave you with a Nepalese prayer wheel in the meantime.
If you recite the mantra 'Om mani putni om' a few hundred times you may find some inner peace.
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Thursday, 11 March 2010

Day 70: Clouds

Looking out towards Fife this evening.
It's not quite as clean as I would have liked but nature doesn't always abide by your wishes.

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Friday, 5 March 2010

Day 64: Waverley Sunset

Aside from hosting Festivals, one of the other things Edinburgh does really well is dramatic sunsets.

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Day 63: Bollards

It's OK to feel indifference to an image, I feel, but I like to think that when stacking their bollards at the end of a shift workies always give the same forethought to composition as they have here.

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Day 61: Mishapes

By the way, there's no Photoshop or sepia effects involved in this shot. It's all straight from the camera. Subject is the clutter on my mantelpiece.