Saturday, 23 January 2010

Day 23: Sunshine on a rainy day

Sometimes it's best if you just don't leave the house. I spent most of this grey, rainy Saturday sitting under a duvet watching season 1 of the West Wing. By 4 o'clock I thought I really should just go out and get some fresh air so decided to go pick up Fran from her screen printing course at the Printmakers. Boy, was that a BAD idea.

I got there early, decided that what this day needed was some abstract optimism and then got thoroughly distracted creating sun pictures (like this one) out of the rain on the windscreen and a street light ahead.
In the intervening minutes, I managed to set the car alarm off about 5 times, then the car just refused to start. I thought we'd somehow disabled the engine by setting the alarm off so we phoned Mr Bill Brunton (henceforth known as Guardian Angel No. 2) the VW dealership in Portobello to ask how we re-enable the engine.

He diagnosed a dead battery and then came in his car all the way into town to help restart it. On a Saturday evening. Refusing any payment. The man is a legend and a very nice bottle of Malt is heading his way.
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  1. Oops! It's good to know great people who like to help their fellow human beings.
    Still, that's an amazing photo you took.

  2. Thanks Johnny. I like the way the mist on the windscreen created a landscape of sorts. No colour manipulation either, this was how it came out.
