I'm afraid I've been too full of a cold, flu, throat infection, blah, blah to take any pictures but I have been busy, frantically trying to edit a load of existing pics ready for my first ever After Dinner Speech in November. I know this makes me sound terribly organised but I'm going to be away for nearly three weeks of the intervening period in Malawi so don't actually have very much time to prepare.
So I'm editing loads of pics, putting together a Blurb book, putting together presentation slides, desperately trying to think of good jokes to keep the old dears awake and engaged. I'm thinking blast them with Heavy Metal every fifth slide might do the trick... hmm.
So here's an old one but a freshly edited one and in the fluid, rule-making of my blog, freshly edited pics count as new pics.
Ok, it's tenuous, but, well, what are you gonna do? Fire me?
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